Racine County Homes For Sale

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Racine County
Featured Homes For Sale

If you’re looking for beautiful lake beaches and calm, flowing hills, call Racine County home! Situated on the shores of Lake Michigan, Racine is a short car ride to Milwaukee and just a hop, skip, and a jump from Chicago! Racine County is home to seventeen communities, from the City of Racine to Burlington, you’re sure to find the spot that floats your boat. Here you can find the best blend of lively urban areas and calming rural havens spread within 792 square miles. Home to almost 200,000 people, you’re sure to love your new neighbors.

Racine County fosters inventive, ecological, and treasured prospects for civic and commercial progression. Spend time observing breath-taking art at the Racine Art Museum, or take an in-depth look at RAM’s Charles A. Wustum Museum of Fine Arts. Stroll through the Racine Zoo or get a hands-on experience at Bear Den Zoo & Petting Farm. Dip your toes in the water at Racine’s North Beach, or learn about the history of the Windpoint Lighthouse. Check out the Willard Keland House by Frank Lloyd Wright or see what the fuss is all about at the Abandoned Haunted House Complex. With thirteen school districts, Racine County was given $40 million to design and build the Racine County Youth Development and Care Center. You can read more about the youth center’s vision and all the positive impacts it is going to have on the community!

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