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Kenosha County
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On the West shore of Lake Michigan, Kenosha County is home to 169,151 people as of 2020, covering 754 square miles. Kenosha County has conventionally drawn folks from suburban Chicago because of its upgraded roads, job opportunities, and high quality of life. Likewise, the direct train to Chicago, thanks to the Metra Union Pacific / North Line, has only helped its case. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, people continued to move to Kenosha from surrounding cities, including Chicago and Milwaukee.

Until 1833, what is now Kenosha County was inhabited by the Potowatomi. The city of Kenosha was created in 1835, but it was still under Racine County’s jurisdiction until 1850, when Kenosha County was formed. Because of the county’s prime location, many factories flourished during the nineteenth century. Manufacturing was a paramount principal to the county’s economic success into the twentieth century. Kenosha county is home to many wonderful points of interest, such as the Kenosha Public MuseumDinosaur Discovery Museum, and Civil War MuseumPetrifying Springs ParkSimmons Island Beach, and Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary and Arboretum are great places to experience nature, go for a swim, and stroll the Wisconsin’s natural beauty. Artists are welcomed to check out Re:Vision Gallery & Artist Studios.  

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